Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week One: Cars and Trucks

Start Your Engines: It's Time For Preschool!

Paint a car or truck. Use oversized art paper. Draw a rectangle on the paper and make students paint just the rectangle. Then I asked if they wanted a car or truck and I painted the window part. I let the students paint the wheels and add as much glitter as the wanted to make their cars 'shiny'.

Car collage

I got the car picture out of The Mailbox. We enlarged it and copied it on colored paper. We allowed the students to decorate with colored pasta, buttons, foam shapes, sequins and of course my favorite medium...glitter!!

Cars made from shapes

We talked about what shapes made up a car and then I let the students paste pre-cut shapes to their hearts content. I asked them to tell me about their car and I wrote down exactly what they said. Here are some of my favorites:
"Mine is a recycling truck"
"Big Car Crash"
"My Clown car"
"Barbie Car"
"Mine is big. The biggest."
"Monster TRUCK!!"

We also matched trucks and trailers that had letters on them for the literacy center.
We counted and patterned mini cars for the math center.


  1. nikki, i think this is an awesome idea for you. (and for me too. i hope you don't mind me snatching your great ideas!)
    you are such a great teacher, you really should think about your own business. . .

  2. Hey they are such cute ideas i always love what soph comes home with
