During the first week of preschool I like to do simple activities during center time that will make the kids feel successful and help them understand the routine.
We made:
-hand print fish
-crayon crowns
-puff paint crayons
We worked on:
-save vs. different
-color sorting
-letter identification
-understanding that letters make words
-color words
Hand Print Fish- "O "fish"ally a Preschooler!
-this was tricky for some kids with sensory issues. It was something easy and fun to do the first day and gave us an idea of kiddos who may need more or less sensory input.
Crayon Crowns-crayons were pre-cut so students just worked on glue stick skills and glued the crayons on however they wanted. We worked on patterning and color identification.
Puffy Paint ice cream cones- We mixed equal parts plain shaving cream and white school glue and whisked it together with neon tempera paint (liquid watercolor works great too) added some sprinkles and it was done. Students worked on following directions (3 basic steps) and color identification.
Color Word/Color Sorting- We started with letters for each color word created in the corresponding color ( letters R E D made out of red paper, letters B L U E made out of blue paper etc.).
First we sorted by color
After we had each color pile we talked about how letters can create words
Students watched as the teacher spelled out some color words. Students helped by identifying the beginning sound.
Finally, a chance to make words of their own. Some kids could sound it out, some kids needed a prompt like ( P first, U next etc.)
Our theme dramatic play area this month is a Shoe Store. The students loved putting shoes in boxes, bagging them up and playing with the cash register.